Sep 29, 2007

Paprika Live at Worm?

Is the Paprika coming to life? Until now, productions have been put together safely at home over a cup of coffee. By getting in touch with some jam musicians, Martijn was asked to perform a live video improvisation to accompany and interact with the musicians. A project that will be done for fun and for experimenting in an artists workshop, but may then take a next step to stage live at Worm. The technical concept should be simple; a first idea is to shoot a tape of footage that expresses different qualities (cold, warm, quick, happy, dramatic or fearful, for example) by detailing onto material qualities (wood, water, stone, skin, hair, metal) and camera movement. Another idea (already more complex) is to do a live performance with camera on stage with a small tank of water, mirrors, and other materials. To be continued..

Sep 28, 2007

Paris, je t'aime (2006)

Recently I have seen this collection of short movies about PARIS, it seems to me as a Cinematic Soufflé, From Quartier to Quartier and Director to Director. If I liked it? Still divided, apparently like the public opinions, leave you with both.

"Delightful Paris - A bit like being served tapas, but nonetheless very satisfying. Some vignettes are funny, some are very touching. Paris, of course, is the star. Perfect summer relief from the typical movie special effects overload. The ending was a real big surprise and just perfect. You got the feeling that the actors thoroughly enjoyed being in the film. I know the audience enjoyed watching them."- -

“...a mosaic of 18 miniatures, each set in a different location in the City of Light, is a cinematic tasting menu consisting entirely of amuse-bouches. After two hours of such tidbits the palate is sated. But if there is no need for a main course, you still leave feeling vaguely disappointed at not being served one."- NYTimes

Not animated but still image

One of this days (a while ago) I have bought my first LOMO LC-A second hand in the streets of St. Petersburg . I use it mainly to picture the city since all my other cameras and lenses, have just been stolen. Some years after I revisited those photos and decided to make for my first LOMO Wall in good memory of LOMO and Pite

"Verweven Levens" screening from today!

Martijn lately worked together with Péronne van den Driessche on a documentary called "Verweven Levens". The film portrays a woman that has built a small museum around the art of Ianchelevici. Slowly, the viewer discover aspects of not only her effort put in the museum but most of all her independent and self-secure personal character. The film is now showing in her museum in Goudriaan (Holland) as a part of the project "Leven uit een koffer" by the Gorcums Museum. Today is the opening event, the film is to be seen untill november 12th.

Catia and Willem visited - Reykjavik Shorts & Docs

The Film Industry in Reykjavik is Expanding the Documentary Culture.

Reykjavík Documentary Workshop is a newly founded independent documentary association with the goal of spreading the culture of documentary filmmaking to professionals and others interested in documentaries in the country. By bringing renowned directors from around the world to the public and getting them to hold master-classes connected to their documentaries, the association has brought the film selection in Iceland to a new advanced level and created a lively discussion on this growing film category.

Reykjavík Shorts and Docs - The organisation’s final project before the summer vacation is to be part of the Reykjavík Shorts and Docs festival, which will take place in Tjarnarbíó Movie Theatre from May 25 to May 28. This year, moviegoers will get the chance to see 10 different documentaries and 12 short films from 14 countries in total

Martijn last adventure at the Film School

It takes two to Tango

Recently, Martijn met Marleene and decided to cooperate in her project. Paprikafilm will be teaming with Green Eyes Productions, you could say. Marleene had already started shooting sketching footage for a tango project, a highly visual exercise that is now in the phase of working out into a little concept with a twist. Seems promising. To get an idea of a Green Eye production, see Shocking Chocolate.