Sep 28, 2007

Paris, je t'aime (2006)

Recently I have seen this collection of short movies about PARIS, it seems to me as a Cinematic Soufflé, From Quartier to Quartier and Director to Director. If I liked it? Still divided, apparently like the public opinions, leave you with both.

"Delightful Paris - A bit like being served tapas, but nonetheless very satisfying. Some vignettes are funny, some are very touching. Paris, of course, is the star. Perfect summer relief from the typical movie special effects overload. The ending was a real big surprise and just perfect. You got the feeling that the actors thoroughly enjoyed being in the film. I know the audience enjoyed watching them."- -

“...a mosaic of 18 miniatures, each set in a different location in the City of Light, is a cinematic tasting menu consisting entirely of amuse-bouches. After two hours of such tidbits the palate is sated. But if there is no need for a main course, you still leave feeling vaguely disappointed at not being served one."- NYTimes

1 comment:

Martino said...

Well, if any one still keeps on looking for a main dish with such a bouquet of tastes, it must have been a 'free refill' american critic. Paris je t'aime is a popular example of a shorts programme. A totally normal concept in film festivals now being broadened to popular cinema. Nothing wrong with that.. especially with the qualities being served out in this little bistro...